Dear visitor,

It has been one week since launching the website and I want to thank you all for visiting, commenting and sharing. It’s been a fun and exciting week already!

So what can you expect to find here? I am aiming to add a new post every week. These could show pictures from a recent shoot, perhaps the ocassional tip or trick I’ve picked up, but I’d also like to use the opportunity to share some of my personal life and experiences with you. What better way to start than with the two main reasons that I got into photography in the first place: my sweet, lovely daughters.

As may have been the case for a number of you, the arrival of my children made me realise the importance of being able to lock in those precious moments that pass so quickly. To create memories. For me. For them. Forever.

I’m very happy to be able to share some of my favourite pictures with you in this first post. I hope you like them and I look forward to reading your comments and hearing your thoughts…

